The Kitten Diet

The biggest debate amongst cat owners is whether or not they should use wet kitten food, canned kitten food or dry kitten food. The answer is both. Kittens need wet cat food because it contains water. Kittens may not drink enough on a regular basis and the wet food ensures they stay hydrated. The dry kitten food ensures they have something to eat whenever they are hungry.

The kitten’s diet should consist mostly of canned kitten food, as it is more nutritious. Keep track of whether the kitten is on track by weighing the cat on a regular basis. You also do not want to allow kittens to get into the habit of overeating or eating table scraps. Table scraps are high in fat and it also throws off their balanced diet that they receive through their regular food.

Kittens will need kitten food for their first year. At six weeks of age, the kittens should be receiving four small meals per day. At twelve weeks, young cats can have more food divided into three meals. At one, the kittens may be switched to adult food and fed twice daily. Cats are capable of knowing when they are full, so you can leave a bowl out of dry food throughout the day.

Pet owners should feed the mother cat a kitten food to ensure that she is receiving all the necessary nutrients that she needs for herself and her kittens. At week five, the kitten can begin to eat canned kitten food with its mother. The first ingredient on the package should be either chicken, beef or lamb.